Oct 31, 2021

Tragic Halloween Night


Please stop!
Ehi what’s up babe you need company?
No wait I’m not a prostitute I need to go to the police station!
Ok just calm down and tell me what’s happened.
Well I don’t know how to say that but I’m boy my name  is Robert and my body was stolen by a witch!
A witch? On Halloween night? That’s a joke right?
No you listen to me! I saw this girl and I made a rude comment about her outfit and she said I messed with the wrong girl and I needed to learn what it means to endure sexist jokes so she cast a spell and I’ve found myself in her body while she run away in mine.
What a strange story, are you ok?
Yes I mean no so please  bring me to the police!
Ok get in the car!
Poor guy! After the body theft his bad luck was not over yet. The stranger driver didn’t accompany him to the police, instead he took him to a private party where hewas introduced as Robbie the psycho bitch and forced to sexually satisfy every guest all night long.


  1. It was Halloween day, nothing really odd happen, accept this strange woman came to me, and clamed that a witch, a witch stole his body, and switch for this body. Can you believe it. Why do the nuts, and weirdos come then.

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