Mar 12, 2024

Twins Island

 request by Hulkchloron99

Holiday time for Mark this year he decided to go to an exotic place called Twins Island. As soon as he arrived, the hotel management gave him a shiny bikini with instructions to wear it on the beach: it was a must. The next morning he found a cabin and put on his new outfit, immediately he was struck by a light, as soon as he opened his eyes something had changed, he had the body of a young girl with black hair. Four other girls similar to his new self approached and one of them explained to him the power of the bikini and that he would have this shape for as long as he stayed on the island. Mark looked forward to having fun with his new friends on Twins Island.


  1. When he arrived this island. he was given a bikini . He thought was a strange request, but when he got to is room, he automatically, step into the bikini, what happened next was strange, he slowly morph into pretty dark hair girl in a bikini. What was equally strange that, several other girls that looked similar to him? What was strange to that it didn't bother him that it happen or that there was those other girls that looked like him to. The next several days will be interesting now.

  2. I super love the idea of this one. The whole island sounds fun and has me wondering if everyone are copies of that same girl, or if perhaps there are several different base girls and visitors are assigned to be copies of one of them at random. Would be interesting too if everyone shares the girls name as well.

    Either way I would love to see some more captions of this island.
