Jan 28, 2022

Long Psychotherapy

Well miss relax , can I call you Jennifer for now?

Ehm...Yes you do doctor but I remember you that my real name is Jack and...

And you are a boy but tell me why you wear a miniskirt and heels it’s not what a boy normally wear isn’t it?

That’s true but my family, I mean Jennifer’s family forced me to wear this outfit; they said it’s good forreconnecting with my female self but it’s useless since I’m a male and Jennifer was my girlfriend, she stole my body with a spell you have to believe me!

Sorry Jennifer but I think your mind elaborated this strange defense mechanism to protect you from thefact that your boyfriend  broke up with you and moved to another country, but don’t worry over time  youwill learn to accept it, I don’t want that a young woman like you spend the rest of her life in a mental hospital!

Jan 9, 2022


Rick was walking on the beach when he saw an old oil lamp and decided to bring it home. After trying to cleanit, a genie came out from the artifact and said that he was ready to grant only one  wish. Rick was a shy boy and was not very successfulwith the girls so he said “I wanna bea womanizer!”  but the genie was old and not too smart and understood“I wanna be a woman there!” so Rickwas changed in a member of the fairer sex. He rushed to the mirror and didn’t believe in what he saw so for the real proof he slowly took off his panties and found with terror that he was really a woman there.