Apr 26, 2023

Lost in Japan

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James was an american student who decided to spend his spring break in Japan. So he was walking to the streets of Tokyo when he was stopped by a girl. It was a student about 17-18 years old, she started to speak in broken english she said something “Do you want my body?” James thought was a joke and said  “Oh yes baby!”. Suddenly the girl’s face lit up and said “Umai!”  and in a blink of an eye his soul migrated in the girl’s body and vice versa.
When he realized what had happened, he was just in time to see his body walking away into the crowd. He tried to reach him\her but she turned the corner and disappeared so he spent another hour to find her without any success. Tired of searching he stopped and started to look into the pink bag  the girl had  left to him. Inside the bag there  was a bottle  of lemonade a student card and a strange book full symbols and formulas, it  could be the cause of the switch but he  couldn’t interpret  them. He took the card and realized he was  able to understand japanese and read his new  name Eriko Nakamura. He was in another country in a different body forced to assume a new identity and he couldn’t do anything.

Apr 11, 2023

The Tournament

 Mark was a good golf player but he regretted about  this the day his sister asked him a favor. She wanted  impressionate  her crush who was a golf player too so she decided to partecipate to the local tournament but since she had no the skills requested she asked her bro to go to a swap clinic and take her place at the tournament.  Mark was skeptical at the moment but his sister promised him a large sum of money so he accpted. 

They made the swap on the same day as the race but  it turned out to be an handicap. Mark was not accostumed to use the iron in his weak sis body and  he was annoyed by his new long hair; moreover he was embarassed by having to play with a miniskirt, it seemed everybody were looking at his legs so he was ranked last.  His sister was so angry of the bad impression he made with her crush that she decided to make the swap permanent until he win the next tournament. Mark was shocked but at  least he had almost three monts to train his new body.